Chandler Young
Phone Number: 918.463.4268
Title: Assistant Director of Recruitment
Office: Warner Campus, Gatlin Hall, Room 217
Hi, I’m Chandler your Connors State College Recruiter!
I’m just starting my recruiting career at Connors State and I am looking forward to meeting new people, making new connections and assisting students in starting their future endeavors as a Connors State Cowboy.
You will see me representing Connors State at college fairs or high school visits. I’m looking forward to visiting with you about your future and what Connors State has to offer.
As a Connors State College Alum, I am excited to have the opportunity to add students into the Cowboy family with me. What makes Connors State College so special to me is the personable staff and the atmosphere to grow, learn and create life long memories and connections.
If I miss you at one of our events, I would love to schedule a tour with you to show you our campus!
Go Cowboys!
About Me
Hometown: Wyandotte, OK
Education: A.S., Agriculture Communications
What I always tell students: Connors will be the best experience of your life, making life-long friends and connections.
Why do I love my job: I love the opportunity to share my favorite campus with future Cowboys!
Favorite spot on campus: It’s a secret!
Favorite Quote: “It’s fine.. it’s fine.. it’s fine..” –Me when I panic